Body Sculpting

Body Sculpting

We use non-invasive body sculpting techniques to reduce body circumference and inches by flushing out fat contents from the body through your lymphatic system. This is an alternative to invasive procedures with no downtime. The results vary, but most see noticeable results between 6-12 sessions. Each session takes approximately an hour to finish, and it is possible to see small improvements and a decrease in inches each session, which varies anywhere from 0.5 – 3.0 inches in one session. However, it is important to consider that body sculpting isn’t recommended to individuals with severe bleeding tendencies, heart disease, acute illness, pacemakers, compromised liver function, and during pregnancy. 

During your Hourglass Body Sculpting session, we include the following steps: Lipo-laser, Ultrasonic Cavitation, Radiofrequency, Lymphatic Massage, and Vacuum Therapy in the treatment area.  

Our “Hourglass” service includes all of the following:

Benefits include:

Benefits include fat reduction, loss of inches and circumference, tightening, cellulite reduction, and increased muscle definition.

LIPO-LASER body Sculpting therapy in Las Vegas by Skinetic


Lipo-laser is a non-invasive body sculpting technique used to shrink fat cells by placing laser diodes pads directly onto the skin. The laser energy penetrates the area of the fat cells and creates tiny holes in their membranes, which then causes the fat cells to release the stored fatty acids, glycerol, and water to shrink and be secreted out of the body leading to a  potential loss in inches. In addition, Lipo-laser stimulates collagen and elastin. 

Body Sculpting Therapy in Las Vegas by Skinetic


Ultrasonic Cavitation is a non-invasive procedure that uses low-frequency sound waves to target unwanted fat tissue. When ultrasound waves are transmitted through the skin, they produce a strong wave of pressure onto the unwanted fat cells, which causes them to implode into liquid content, a phenomenon referred to as “cavitation.” The body’s excretory and lymphatic system then naturally eliminates the liquified fat cells by voiding. Ultrasonic Cavitation can take about 15-30 minutes per session. 

Body Sculpting Radio Frequency Therapy in Las Vegas by Skinetic


The Radiofrequency energy selectively heats the skin tissue, where the collagen fibers and fat cells drain and shrink, while the important fibroblast cells are stimulated to produce new collagen and elastic fibers. As a result, the effect of the radiofrequency treatment is tighter, smoother, and youthful-looking skin and fat cells and cellulite are reduced in contents and appearance. 

Ultrasonic Massage in Las Vegas by Skinetic Aestehtics


Vacuum Therapy eliminates toxins and improves lymphatic drainage by breaking down fatty deposits and cellulite and simultaneously stimulating muscles.

EMS body-sculpting-NV-skinetic


 EMS, or Electrical Muscle Stimulation is a muscle stimulator using HIFEM
(high-intensity focused electromagnetic) that directly stimulates motor neurons, so that the body’s muscles continue to expand and contract. The strong contractions is caused by
deep penetration and strong contraction of the muscles causing apoptosis to occur both above and below the muscles of the treated area. EMS simultaneously activates muscle growth, toning, and fat reduction. A 30-minute session is equivalent to 20,000 sit ups or squats! Areas that we can treat with EMS include Abdomen, Glutes, Biceps, Triceps, Quads, and Calves. EMS is recommended to complete at least 6-12 sessions for optimal results and can be treated every other day

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