Chemical Peels
Chemical Peels
A chemical peel is a technique used to smooth and improve the appearance and texture of your skin. It removes the outermost layers of skin, improving the look of scarring and aging.
There are different types of peels: light, medium, and deep. Our advanced chemical peels are superficial to medium depth medical-grade chemical peels by Glymed Plus and PCA Skin.
A skin peel is a facial treatment technique that works by dissolving the upper layers of the skin, stimulating the epidermis and dermis, regenerating the skin leaving it fresher, with a more even texture and tone.
Chemical Peel (1st Treatment)
Chemical Peel (Advanced Treatment)
Choose this treatment after the initial or first chemical peel for a more advanced treatment that treats concerned areas with a stronger medical-grade chemical peel. This package includes post-peel treatment such as hydration masks, LED lights, and post-peel products to take home.
*This does not include The Perfect Dermapeel.*
The Perfect Derma Peel
The Perfect Derma Peel is a medium depth, medical-grade chemical peel suitable for all skin types and ethnicities. The Perfect Derma Peel contains Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA), Retinoic Acid, Kojic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Phenol, Glutathione, and Vitamin C.
*To maintain skin integrity and safety; this peel is not intended for FIRST TIME CHEMICAL PEEL clients. We prep your skin with a starter peel before advancing to stronger chemical peels.*
Why try an advanced chemical peel?
Here are some of the benefits of an advanced chemical peel:
- Improve skin texture
- Reduce fine lines
- Decrease hyperpigmentation
- Unclog pores and help clear up acne
- Leave your skin smooth
- Make your skin look more even-toned
- Make your skin look dewy
- Improve minor scarring.
- For all skin types
What to expect?
- Before your skin peel, you’ll discuss your needs with your aesthetician. The procedure will start by cleansing your skin. Then they will apply the peel to your face.
- Superficial PCA skin peels are applied in layers and left on your skin. The Skincare specialist will apply a calming topical lotion with SPF protection on top of your final layer.
- You’ll experience some redness, stinging, and flaking of the skin, similar to a sunburn.
- The peeling process typically starts within 48 hours and lasts for a week.
- The procedure lasts about 60 Minutes.
How long do results last?
The results of a medium peel can last for 2 to 4 months.
Areas of treatment
An advanced chemical peel is suitable for the face, hands, or neck.
Want to brighten and clarify your skin?
We know that skincare is never a one-size-fits-all solution. Our different collections address all of these skin challenges and more. If you’d like to find out what type of chemical peel is right for you, please contact us to schedule a consultation.
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