Chemical peels are today’s modern approaches to skin rejuvenation. This technique smooths and improves the skin’s appearance and texture. It removes the outermost layers of skin, enhancing the look of scarring and aging. With different types of peels – light, medium, and deep, advanced chemical peels are superficial to medium-depth medical-grade.
A skin peel is a facial treatment technique that works by dissolving the upper layers of the skin, stimulating the epidermis and dermis, and regenerating the skin leaving it fresher, with a more even texture and tone. You must book a consultation and have your first treatment peeled first before advanced peel treatments.
Today, let us know more about chemical peels, how they work, and at what age one should start getting these treatments. Read until the end and discover if chemical peels are also for your skin.
What are Chemical Peels?
A chemical peel is a cosmetic treatment practitioner can apply to the face, hands, and neck. This treatment is used to improve the appearance or feel of the skin. They will apply chemical solutions to the targeted treatment area during chemical peels, causing the skin to exfoliate and eventually peel off. Once this event happens, new skin beneath often becomes smoother, appears less wrinkled, and may have less damage.
There exist several reasons why people may resort to chemical peels. These individuals may be looking for treatment for a variety of things, including:
- acne scars
- fine lines and wrinkles
- hyperpigmentation
- melasma
- sun damage
- uneven skin tone or redness
- unwanted scars
Types of Chemical Peels
There are three (3) major and different types of chemical peels that you can get. These include the following:
- Superficial peels – use mild acids, such as alpha-hydroxy acid, in gently exfoliating your skin. It only penetrates the skin’s outermost layer.
- Medium peels – use trichloroacetic or glycolic acid to reach the skin’s middle and outer layers. This approach makes it more effective for removing damaged skin cells.
- Deep peels – are chemical peels that fully penetrate the skin’s middle layer to remove peels of damaged skin cells, often done using phenol or trichloroacetic acid.
Chemical Peel Procedure
Typically, chemical peels are done inside the office. However, deep peels may also be done in outpatient surgical facilities. Before having the procedure, practitioners will likely have you tie back your hair. Practitioners will clean your face and apply eye protection like goggles or gauze.
They may numb the targeted area using topical anesthetics, especially for those receiving a deep peel. Practitioners may also use a regional drug for deep peels, which can help numb large areas. These skin experts will likely do this step for face and neck treatments. You’ll also be given an IV for deep peels, and they will closely monitor your heart rate.
Advanced Chemical Peel Procedure
First Treatment
Medical-grade chemical peels are skin-resurfacing treatments that remove dead skin cells, uncovering new layers of skin that are smoother and more vibrant. A medical facial peel plumps and softens fine lines, minimizes age spots and skin discolorations and improves the skin tone and texture.
Advanced Treatment
Choose this treatment after the initial or first chemical peel for a more advanced treatment that treats concerned areas with a stronger medical-grade chemical peel. This peel package includes post-peel treatments such as hydration masks, LED lights, and post-peel products to take home.
The Perfect Derma Peel
The Perfect Derma Peel is a medium-depth, medical-grade chemical peel suitable for all skin types and ethnicities. The Perfect Derma Peel contains Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA), Retinoic Acid, Kojic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Phenol, Glutathione, and Vitamin C.
NOTE: Advanced treatments do not include The Perfect Derma Peel. On the other hand, patients can maintain skin integrity and safety using The Perfect Derma Peel, but it is not intended for first-time chemical peel clients. Practitioners prep your skin using starter peels before advancing to stronger chemical peels.
Why Try Advanced Chemical Peels?
Here are some of the benefits of advanced chemical peels:
- Decreases hyperpigmentation
- It fits all skin types
- Improves minor scarring
- Improves skin texture
- Leaves your skin smooth
- It makes your skin look dewy
- It makes your skin look more even-toned
- Reduces fine lines
- Unclogs pores and helps clear up acne
What to Expect from Chemical Peels?
- Before your chemical peel, your practitioner will discuss everything you need. The procedure will start by cleansing your skin and applying the chemical peel to your face.
- Superficial peels are applied in layers and are left on your skin. Practitioners will use calming topical lotions with SPF protection on top of your final layer.
- It is usual for you to experience some redness, stinging, and flaking of the skin, similar to how a sunburn looks.
- Typically, the peeling process begins within 48 hours and lasts for at least a week.
- The chemical peel procedure lasts about 60 Minutes.
During recovery, follow your practitioner’s post-op instructions faithfully. They’ll give you specific instructions on washing your face and moisturizing, how often to do it, and which products you should use. Stay away from sun exposure as much as you can until your skin completely heals. Furthermore, avoid using makeup or other cosmetic products until your doctor gives the signal. Use ice packs, 20 minutes at once, or cool fans to relieve discomfort at home after your chemical peel.
When to Start Getting Chemical Peels
When dealing with chemical peels, anyone can start getting them in their late teens and twenties to treat acne, scarring, and early signs of sun damage. However, make sure that you communicate with your doctor or healthcare provider regarding what types of oral or topical medications you’re on to ensure that you don’t cause further damage to your skin.
In general, the results of chemical peels, especially those medium ones, can last for two to four (2-4) months. Meanwhile, advanced chemical peels are more suitable for the face, hands, or neck.
Potential Risks and Possible Side Effects of Chemical Peels
Common side effects of chemical peels are temporary, including burning, dryness, redness, stinging, and slight swelling. For those receiving deep peels, you may permanently lose the ability to tan.
Chemical peels can, however, have more serious risks and dangerous side effects that can be permanent. These include:
- Darkening or lightening of the skin color. These can be more common in people with darker skin.
- Heart, liver, or kidney damage. The phenol used in deep peels can damage the heart muscle, kidneys, and liver and cause irregular heartbeats.
- Infections. People with herpes simplex may experience flares following a treatment. Very rarely, chemical peels can cause fungal or bacterial infections.
- Scarring. This side effect can be permanent.
The Bottomline
Chemical peels can help rejuvenate your facial skin and restore your lost youthful glow. Talk to your trusted practitioner to know everything and enjoy chemical peels to your advantage.
If you are interested in chemical peels, our amazing friends at Skinetic Aesthetics can help you today.