How Does Scar Revision Surgery Reduce the Severity of a Scar?

Scar Revision

Scar revision surgery is today’s modern approach to scar correction. Scars that we incur from incidents in our lives leave a permanent mark we see every time, but they also get imprinted in our memories. Physically speaking, accidents, skin conditions, diseases, acne, or surgeries negatively impact the dermis. In turn, our bodies create new fibers of loose collagen in mending these damages, resulting in varied textures and qualities compared to the ones the surrounding tissues have. Let’s know more about scar revision surgery and how it can help reduce a scar’s severity.

Scar Revision Surgery: What is It?

Scar revision surgeries are procedures done on scars that alter their appearance, usually towards scars that are unpleasing to one’s overall look. This skin revision potentially improves one’s cosmetic appearance toward that scar. It helps restore functions to body parts that may have been affected and restricted by this particular scar or eliminate the itchiness felt from it. However, it is essential to note that you cannot remove scars entirely.

Scar tissues form while our skin heals itself after injuries are incurred, such as an accident or surgery. Afterward, how much scarring there will depend on certain factors:

  • Age
  • Characteristics of the skin, such as color (pigmentation)
  • The wound itself (its size, depth, and location)

In addition, based on the extent of your surgery, scar revision can also be administered while you’re awake using local anesthesia, while you’re sleeping after being sedated; or while you’re deep asleep and pain-free through general anesthesia.

Scar Revision Surgery: Procedure

Generally speaking, scar revision surgery follows a standard procedure across the board. May there be differences, it can be minor or small details, but overall, practitioners have this set of steps as the format for the procedure:

Step #1 – Anesthesia

Most, if not all, surgical procedures administer medications for your comfort during such treatments. Some common choices include local anesthesia, intravenous sedation, and general anesthesia during scar revision surgeries. Doctors and practitioners will know and suggest the best one for you.

Step #2 – The Treatment

How much improvement can be achieved through scar revision surgery will be significantly based on your scarring’s severity and type, size, and location. In some instances, single techniques may already provide significant improvement. But your doctor or plastic surgeon may still recommend combinations of effective scar revision techniques to achieve the best results for you.

Step #3 – Optional Incisions

A scar revision surgery may involve incisions necessary for surgically removing much older scars for deeper scars. Although optional most of the time, this step has become an integral part of the procedure. It ensures everything gets taken care of in terms of results.

Step #4 – Incision Closure

Some scars require layered closures, which are often used where excision extends to tissues underneath the skin’s surface or those areas with high degree movements. The first layer needs sub-dermal closure done below the skin surface using sutures that are absorbable or non-removable. As layers of closure continue building, the closure concludes the remaining wound on the surface.

Advanced techniques in scar revision surgery involve techniques termed W-plasty or Z-plasty and complex flap closures. These flap closures potentially reposition scars to make them less conspicuous or improve flexibility where contractures have restricted mobility. Pharmaceutical tissue alternatives may also be used when ample healthy tissues are not present for the scar excision’s closure. More likely, this revision is utilized for severe burn scars.

Scar Revision Surgery: Expectations

Progress and Healing

Your initial phase of healing from scar revision surgery may involve instances of localized swelling, discomfort, or discoloration, happening one (1) to two (2) weeks after your procedure. Healing continues for a few more weeks as new scars heal and slowly become refined and eventually fade. You can experience similar conditions in the treated area with alternatives like dermabrasion, chemical peel, or laser resurfacing and the already-felt overall sensitivity.

Long-lasting Results

The final results from your scar revision surgery will undoubtedly be long-lasting. But it may take at least the next several months before your final results become apparent and noticeable, with some cases taking even a year for new scars to become fully healed and completely faded.

To begin with, practicing medicine and surgery is not an exact science. Even though there is the expectation of having good results, there are still no guarantees. In some cases, achieving optimal results may not be possible only after a single surgical procedure, needing another surgery for results to be fully realized.

Scar Revision Surgery: Recovery

Recovering from scar revision surgery can also vary based on the surgery’s extensiveness. Typically, doctors go over taking care of your surgical site. Some may tell you to take it lightly for the next couple of days or weeks to avoid any strain or stress inflicted on your healing wound.

You may also start noticing a little bruising or swelling around the treated area during the first one (1) or two (2) weeks since the scar revision surgery. Using a cold compress can keep the swelling down. Contact your doctor immediately if the swelling or discoloration doesn’t subside eventually. Additionally, make sure to regularly visit your doctor for your scheduled follow-up visits, even if the healing of your surgical site seems fine.

Another vital piece of advice: Avoid exposure to the sun as much as possible to protect your scar or scar revision. Broad-spectrum sunscreens or protective clothing should do the trick.

Patience can also become a beneficial virtue during these healing times. Your doctor will caution you about the healing time being possibly longer for scar revision surgeries when done on the leg compared to those done on the face. It may take a few months to fully realize how much improvement is happening to your scar’s appearance. So again, be patient as much as possible.

Scar Revision Surgery: Does It Reduce Scar Severity?

The answer is yes. But again, everything may vary based on essential factors that naturally affect the scar revision surgery. All you need to do is trust the process, follow recommendations given to you after, and enjoy the benefits you’ll get and have wanted to achieve now that you’re done with your scar revision surgery. It may be as perfect as textbook perfect, but as long as it suffices for the results you want to have, then that’s better than nothing. Look for only the best and most well-trained in the field to avoid the later hassle.

Scar Revision Surgery: Takeaways

Scar revision surgery can treat scars even if they vary in size, shape, and thickness. Some are barely noticeable; some are impossible to miss. Talk to your doctor or healthcare provider to know if a scar revision surgery is what you need based on the location and type of your scar and, of course, your budget. Once you’re good to go, scar revision surgery might be the right option for you in achieving the scarless; if not scar-free, skin you’ve always wanted.

Are you interested in undergoing scar revision surgery? You’re in luck. Our awesome friends at Skinetic Aesthetics can help you with your scar issues or any other issues you might have on your skin. Visit them now!

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